A Septic Tank Back Up is one of the most common water damages for homes.
With daily life activities it is sometimes hard to remember something that is in the ground and not in plain site.
Here at Experienced Claims Services we can help, not only clean up the mess inside but we have access to professionals in your area to fix the problem.
If you are seeing septic tank back up signs in your sink, shower, toilet, or anywhere else, reach out. 
In the mean time there are some things you can do to try and keep the issue at bay or not make it worse. 
First, do not run anymore water in to the spetic tank. This will only further fill the tank causing more of a back up. 
Next, try to avoid pluging backed up areas. This needs to be evaulated by a professional before moving forward. You could potentially just be pushing sewage from one area of your home to another. 
Last, make sure you find a reputable water mitagation company or sewage pump company to help you. The last thing you want is this issue getting worse!